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Richard, Aline


In October 2020
at the age of 102 years and 10 months,
Mrs Aline Richard passed away
at her home in West Palm Beach, Florida.

She was the wife of late Enoil Fournier from St-Basile and late Manuel (Dick) Richards from Wisconsin. She will be missed by her only daughter Helen and her husband Earl Blanchard of West Palm Beach, also two grand children and one great grand child.

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Message(s) de sympathie

Dear Helène and family,

My Mom is Blanche. I grew up idolizing Matante Alline. She was to us an inspiration to no end... She lived a long and fruitful life. We simply adored when she showed up every summer. Matante Aline had a heart of gold and a contagious laughter that will stay with me forever. My sincere condolences from Mom: Blanche, Gil and family and myself Lyse

Lyse M Daigle
Montreal, Quebec

My deepest sympathies to Helen and family. At this difficult time may you find comfort in knowing that others share in your sorrow.

Deanne Bard

Toutes nos pensées vers vous sont tournées pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez. Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances.

Mme Edwina Bard

My deepest sympathies to Helen and family. She was happy living and will be missed.
I'm daughter of late Normand Richard. Take care and God bless you xoxo

Josee Richard
Edmundston NB

My sympathies to Helen and family. Your mom was a special person. I lived with her and her sister Eva when I first
worked in Hartford, Ct. She was full of energy and always had a smile. She made your feel very welcome. She never
missed visiting me each summer. A special Lady I will never forget.

Don & Audrey Roy
Edmundston, NB

Helen,Earl.,Denise and all your beautiful family ........we are so sad for your loss....we loved aunt Aline she was a huge part of our lives also .....loved her visits every year .....she never forgot to get in touch with everyone she knew while she was in Canada .......she had a great love for her adopted Florida but never forgot that Canada was her home ....she never missed a CMA since its beginning because she was also a loyal Acadian born in St-Anne-de-Kent .....had friends everywhere in the world ......So rest sweet Aline I know your sitting beside God telling him about all the places you visited in your 102 and a half years surrounded by all the family and friends you had in your life You will be missed, heck we miss you already. ❤️

Anita & Noel

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléance à la famille

Guy Collin et Céline Lavoie

We will miss tante Aline a lot for she was such a great lady to be around. Our sincere symppathies again to Helen and family.

Pauline & Robert Richard
Edmundston, NB

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, les gens se rassemblent pour soutenir ceux qui restent.

La distance rend ma présence impossible, cependant, j'espère que cette pensée sincère de sympathie et de compréhension pourra vous être d'un certain réconfort.

Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Normand & Claudette Bossé
Edmundston. N.B.

Il n'y a pas de mots pour exprimer à quel point nous sommes affligés par la dure perte que vous vivez.

Nous espérons simplement que notre sympathie vous apportera un certain apaisement.

André levesque
Gatineau PQÎ

Sincères condoléances, Helen. I enjoyed Aline’s company very much during my time in West Palm.

Colette C.

Colette Corbin

Sincere condolences in the loss of your mother. I remember your mother coming to our house in the summer and my mother Aline would go an afternoon of shopping.

Jean Marc Couturier
Edmundston, NB

Toutes mes condoléances Helen à toi et ta famille Tante Aline était une bonne vivante et elle nous a bien fait rire. On l'aimait beaucoup et elle restera à jamais dans nos coeurs!! xo

Joanne Ouellette
St-Jacques NB

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